First Line Fridays: “The Masterpiece” by Fiona Davis

First Line Fridays (feature photo)

First Line Fridays is a weekly feature hosted by Hording Books.

Happy Friday everyone!

Phew! 💦 What a week this is! It wasn’t as stressful as last week was (though there were a few ‘incidents’ ) but it was still plenty busy, which is usual because it’s the end of the month (reports, reports and still MORE reports 😓😓😓). Add to that my nephew’s upcoming birthday celebration (he turns 1 & this auntie got him 📚📚📚) and my life is a bit…hectic should do the trick.

I still haven’t caught on my reading, but I did start on a new book last Tuesday (or was that Wednesday???) I’ll be featuring its first line here for FLF today.




Clara Darden’s illustration class at the Grand Central School of Art, tucked under the copper eaves of the terminal, was unaffected by the trains that rumbled through the ancient layers of Manhattan schist hundreds of feet below. But somehow, a surprise visit by Mr. Lorette, the school’s director, had the disruptive power of a locomotive weighing in at thousands of tons.



I’ve always heard good things about Fiona Davis’ books, especially The Dollhouse, so I was happy when I won an ARC of this book from First to ReadI’m still only 25% in and so far things are going good. These are some of the stuff I gathered from the first few chapters of The Masterpiece – it follows two women, two different timelines – late 20’s and mid 70’s, there might be a love triangle of sorts, it seems to involve art and certainly has NY’s Grand Central Terminal at its center.

The Masterpiece comes out August 7.



let's chat

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28 thoughts on “First Line Fridays: “The Masterpiece” by Fiona Davis

  1. lelandandbecky says:

    Happy Friday! My first line is from Dancing in the Rain by Eileen Rife and Jennifer Slattery:

    “The letter was probably one more rejection Loni could add to all the others crumpled in her trash.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. susandyer1962 says:

    Happy Friday!😊

    My first line comes from The Mending by Susan Lantz Simpson……..

    She sensed someone had entered the room, even though she’d been dozing and hadn’t heard the whoosh of the door opening or the squeak of athletic shoes on the tile floor. Her eyes felt glued shut.

    Have a great weekend and happy reading!😊📚

    Liked by 1 person

  3. joyofreadingweb says:

    Happy Friday! Over on my blog, I’m sharing the first line from The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond by Jaime Jo Wright. Here I’ll share the first line from Chapter 28 of the same book:
    “Dusk had settled over Gossamer Pond. The mist rolled off its surface, making the mossy green algae glow in the moonlight.”
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. bellesmoma16 says:

    Love that cover!

    Happy Friday!

    Today on my blog, I’m sharing the first line from Cara Putman’s novel A Promise Forged. Here I will share the first line from the novel I just started reading, Thief of Corinth by Tessa Afshar.

    “The first time I climbed through a window and crept about secretly through a house, the moon sat high in the sky and I was running away from home.”

    Hope you have a great weekend! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. hszott says:

    Happy Friday!

    The Dollhouse by this author is on my TBR, and this one sounds good, too!

    I’m reading The Hero’s Guide to Being an Outlaw by Christopher Healy right now, so here’s the first line: “Outlaws have too many feathers in their hats.”

    Hallie @ Book by Book

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel says:

      It is on mine, too. I have the book in my pile since it was released, but I’m bumping it up now.

      That’s a funny first line! Thank you for sharing it with me. Have a great weekend! 😀


  6. Kathleen Denly says:

    Happy Friday!

    I wonder if Mr. Laurette is so disruptive because of a positive or negative quality.

    Over on my blog I am sharing the first line from The Accidental Guardian by Mary Connealy. So here I will share the first line from a novella I am currently reading, Teach Me To Love by Kari Trumbo, part of the Timeless Love collection:

    “It wasn’t right to pray he would just die.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel says:

      Oh, he’s a negative, that I can much I can say.

      This is an interesting first line. The person must have done something really bad for her to wish this.

      Thank you for dropping by my blog today. Have a great weekend, Kathleen! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  7. jennifertarheelreader says:

    Happy Birthday to your nephew, Rachel, and I LOVE that you got him books! I have always wanted to read Fiona Davis’ books, and I have this one to-read and bought all of her backlist previously. I’m hoping your experience with this one will prompt me to read it like you did with Charlotte. 😉

    Here is my first line, and I’m hoping maybe I can participate in this feature on my blog soon! From If You Leave Me by Crystal Hana Kim,

    “1951. Kyunghwan and I met where the farm fields ended and our refugee village began. I waited until my little brother was asleep, until I could count seven seconds between his uneasy inhales.”

    This book is SO good! Happy Friday and happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel says:

      I actually asked my sister what she the little guy needed and she jokingly replied “maybe start his college fund?”which, though it made me laugh, something that I can’t do right now. So, I’m just going to start give him books, start him with his own library. He’s pretty fond of tactile books featuring dinosaurs right now. 😀

      I’m liking The Mastepiece so far. There’s a little bit of mystery and I’m just really trying hard not to peek at the ending.

      This sounds like an interesting historical novel as well, and fitting for me since I want to expand my reading. This seems like it’s set during the Korean War? I’m going to check it out. Thank you for sharing, Jennifer! Happy weekend! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • jennifertarheelreader says:

        Aw, that’s so sweet, Rachel. I think books are the next best thing to a college fund, really. You are building his literacy early.

        That’s great to hear about The Masterpiece! Do you download books on Edelweiss? I got that one from that site.

        Yes, this book takes place during the Korean War, and it’s enthralling (and heartbreaking at the same time) to me to have the perspective of the Korean citizens and what it was like for them. Everything is completely new to me really, and I love that. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too, Rachel! ♥️

        Liked by 1 person

      • Rachel says:

        Yes, I download ‘read now’ books from Edelweiss as well as request book from them. But I got The Masterpiece from a draw on First to Read. It’s a program by Penguin Publishing. You should totally check it out. They feature some of their upcoming books and lets you enter a contest for one of the e-galleys so you could read in advance. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Anneliese Dalaba says:

    I certainly understand about busy. I have an open house baby shower in my home tomorrow for my nephew and his wife. So exciting to be a great-aunt soon. Anyway, I’m making time to participate in FLF. Have fun at the bday party.

    On my blog, I’m sharing the first line from Secrets & Charades by Cindy Ervin Huff. Since I’m still reading the book, I will share the first two lines from chapter 8 here. “Jake finished hitching the wagon as the sun rose over the horizon. When he peered in the door of the soddie, Evangeline stood before him trying to press the wrinkles out of her green dress with her hands.” Have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel says:

      Yes, it’s just been a busy two weeks, but I’m glad it’s almost over. Have fun at the baby shower. Your great-nephew or niece is already being welcomed into a loving family 😀

      Thank you for sharing your line today with me. Have a great weekend, Anneliese!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Yvette - Bookworlder says:

    Happy Friday! I’m celebrating my great-nephews second birthday this weekend and, of course, there will be books! Book presents are a sign of a good aunt. 😉
    I’m sharing from a different book on my blog today, but my current lunchtime read is the second Lady Alkmene Cozy Mystery, Diamonds of Death by Vivian Conroy. Here is the first line (well, first two):

    “It was madness to do this on a night with a full moon. But then you had to be a little mad to do this work to begin with.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel says:

      Wow! great-nephew? I hope I get to experience that too some day. 🙂 I told my sister, that I’m going to fill her son’s library with his first books and she’s all for it.

      I wonder what they are doing in the first place? Hmm…intriguing line. Thank you for sharing it with me. Have a great weekend and enjoy your celebration! Happy birthday to your great-nephew, Yvette! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  10. thebeccafiles says:

    Happy Friday!
    The book I shared on my blog today is A Rumored Fortune by Joanna Davidson Politano but it’s also the book I’m currently reading so I’ll share the first line from chapter 3 here: “Squinting into the fog made orange by the rising sun, I strode through the sprawling vineyard in a nightdress and my tattered old garden cloak and pondered the odd whispers of my servant.” Hope you have a great weekend with lots of reading time! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. carylkane says:

    Happy Friday! My first line comes from The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton

    London, 1913

    It was dark where she crouched but the little girl did as she’d been told.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Iola Goulton says:

    I have The Masterpiece by Francine Rivers on my to-read pile, so I had a bit of a double-take when I saw this!

    I’m sharing the first line of Miss Serena’s Secret by Carolyn Miller on my blog, so I’ll share the first line from the book I’m currently reading: Justice by Emily Conrad:

    “Snow floated onto Main Street, each flake large enough to catch the breeze like a parachute.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel says:

      Coincidence? Haha! I love when that happens. Thank you for dropping by my blog and sharing your first line with me. Have a great weekend, Lola! 😀


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